Cinema Múltiplo

[Multiple Cinema]

In this publication are gathered ten texts written with pretexts and very diverse purposes, under different forms and approaches. Hence the idea of diversity contained in the title, which is reflected in the different figures, themes, styles and devices that are treated. From the geometric shapes of absolute cinema to the mythology of superheroes, from the faces of Personato Starchild of 2011 - A Space Odyssey, from the exaggeration of gore to the hallucinations of Videodrome, from the self-reflexivity inFight Club to gore violence, from science fiction to philosophy, from adaptation to experimentalism, from documental to hieratic, from abstract to copyright, from fake to blockbuster, from the film to digital, from the interface to the drawing, from television to the hologram, from Bergman to Greenway, from Kubrick to Cronenberg, there are multiple paths and links that can be made in these texts.

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Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
União Europeia
Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional
Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade
Universidade da Beira Interior
2024  ©  Communication & Arts